Posts tagged video
In Other Crafts... Mimi Kirchner

Have I told you lately that I love watching videos where artists talk about their art and their process? Well, I do!

I love how you can hear the passion in the artist's voice. I love how you can, for a few minutes, peek into their studio and their process. It's like peeking through someone's window and learning something new!

Mimi Kirchner is one of the fiber artists I've been following closely. I've never learned how to use a sewing machine, to be true, never had the interest but when I see dolls like the ones Mimi makes is when I regret it the most. Who knows, maybe someday I'll "glue" myself to a sewing machine and some videos, and only let it go when I learn how to do it =)

Move closely everybody and peek with me into Mimi's window! =)

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