Off the Hook: Ollie the Otter - Amigurumi Project


Meet Ollie! This sweet buddy likes to drift in the current holding on to his cacti collection and showing it off to all his sea otter buddies!

Amigurumi otter and cacti

He is the sweetest guy, kind and always helpful. If you are feeling down he is always ready to give you a hand and let you drift with him while he shares fun facts about cacti!

Amigurumi crochet otter

For example: did you know that the word cactus originates from the Greek “Kaktos”, a name used for a spiny plant that may have been the cardoon or artichoke? That’s right, Ollie told me!

Ollie the amigurumi otter

Look at him! So proud of his big cacti momma and her little babies!

Amigurumi sea otter holding cactus

Ollie is full of sweet details like his little feet and hands, and his tiny ears!

The pattern for Ollie will be included in the second volume of Gardening with Crochet.

Can’t wait to get started on some wooly cacti? Grab the first volume of Gardening with Crochet!

Update! The pattern for Ollie is ready, click the image below to get it!

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